Custom Rhinos Good Graphics Laptop PC For Architecture?

Good graphics laptop PC for architecture? - custom rhinos


I am a young graduate with a Bachelor of Architecture. She had never had a laptop before, but now I want one before the arrival on the market.

I have seen many pro-Mac answers the perfect program for "architecture" portable. Apparently, the professional Mac design / computer graphics, more than a PC. But after weighing the pros and cons with regard to my personal situation, I think I'll stay with a PC for now.

I'm mainly running AutoCAD, 3dsmax, Photoshop, Illustrator, Rhino, and (of course, 3D Design / Rendering) capabilities. I try not to run the whole time, of course. Will likely use iTunes, while doing the project, good. Perhaps my taskbar includes iTunes + 2 / + offer web design programs. Perhaps in the future I will try and improve myself with additional programs (Revit, Maya do, so familiar.)

I was not really looking for something more than $ 1,700, but if there is something that most of thas, I would like to know.

So, I hope it's a legitimate question: Knowing all the above information, what data should simulate my laptop) the best features of a Mac in a design / architecture perspective (good graphics / speed / performance? Of course, this is not beyond question.

I also heard many people praise to Toshiba and Sony Vaio. Some merit in this context?

Thank you!


Mark said...

HP Pavilion Quad dv8t Edition $ 1299.99
I recommend that you adjust the HP Web site for at least 6 GB of DDR3 ...

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