Anemic Iron My Son Is Iron Deficiency Anemic And Refuses To Eat And Take His Supplements What Can I Do To Help Him?

My son is iron deficiency anemic and refuses to eat and take his supplements what can i do to help him? - anemic iron

I can not force him to eat, and attempts to drop Suppliment force. What can I do?



Hello Tink

Here are a few other ideas. Start with the plan.

Vertigo is) usually by a sudden drop in blood pressure in the brain as a result of standing too quickly (orthostatic hypotension, fatigue, stress, blood sugar (hypoglycemia), temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain as a transient ischemic attack, blood oxygenation (anemia), iron in the blood decreases and / or certain medications.

Vertigo, dizziness and fear of loss of balance can be a sign of depression or anxiety.

Some vertigo can be caused by mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings. If you want to have this type filled teeth, you should properly trained with a holistic dentist in their removal (see Holistic Dentistry).

If the dizziness is caused by standing up after sitting or lying position, this can be an indication of an exhaustion of the adrenal glands. Individuals must take action to restore the health of the adrenals by stopping the use of stimulants (caffeine, tobacco, alcohol) and the rest with the normalization of life and a balanced diet.

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Natural Remedies

Food: organic food, whole foods diet. If you have hypoglycemia (WHO, blood sugar), eat, contain small meals throughout the day and eliminate the consumption of refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol drinks. If you have anemia, consume more chicken, raw vegetables and seeds.

Flower Essences: Take Rescue Remedy ® for accompanying stress.

Herbs: Ginger and leaf of Ginkgo extract can be very useful.

Homeopathy: Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Cocculus, Convallaria Granatum and can help in combating the causes of vertigo.

Dietary Supplements: Vitamin B complex, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin E and iron (in the case of illness) with anemia are useful adjuncts to prevent and minimize the effects of dizziness.

If there is dizziness associated with adrenal exhaustion, also add vitamin C (3-5 grams per day), vitamin B5 (500-1000 mg daily), and adrenal glands as part of their program day.

Alternative PressOfessional Care
If the symptoms should persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a trained health professional. Nationals of the following therapies have proven to be useful in the treatment and relief of symptoms of vertigo: acupuncture, acupressure, (Alexander Technique bodywork, massage, shiatsu), chiropractic, cranio-sacral therapy, detoxification therapy, environmental medicine, guided imagery, holistic dentistry, hypnotherapy, magnetic therapy, natural hormone replacement therapy, naturopathy, osteopathy, reflexology and Traditional Chinese Medicine

The best of health for both


Hello Tink

Here are a few other ideas. Start with the plan.

Vertigo is) usually by a sudden drop in blood pressure in the brain as a result of standing too quickly (orthostatic hypotension, fatigue, stress, blood sugar (hypoglycemia), temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain as a transient ischemic attack, blood oxygenation (anemia), iron in the blood decreases and / or certain medications.

Vertigo, dizziness and fear of loss of balance can be a sign of depression or anxiety.

Some vertigo can be caused by mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings. If you want to have this type filled teeth, you should properly trained with a holistic dentist in their removal (see Holistic Dentistry).

If the dizziness is caused by standing up after sitting or lying position, this can be an indication of an exhaustion of the adrenal glands. Individuals must take action to restore the health of the adrenals by stopping the use of stimulants (caffeine, tobacco, alcohol) and the rest with the normalization of life and a balanced diet.

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Natural Remedies

Food: organic food, whole foods diet. If you have hypoglycemia (WHO, blood sugar), eat, contain small meals throughout the day and eliminate the consumption of refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol drinks. If you have anemia, consume more chicken, raw vegetables and seeds.

Flower Essences: Take Rescue Remedy ® for accompanying stress.

Herbs: Ginger and leaf of Ginkgo extract can be very useful.

Homeopathy: Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Cocculus, Convallaria Granatum and can help in combating the causes of vertigo.

Dietary Supplements: Vitamin B complex, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin E and iron (in the case of illness) with anemia are useful adjuncts to prevent and minimize the effects of dizziness.

If there is dizziness associated with adrenal exhaustion, also add vitamin C (3-5 grams per day), vitamin B5 (500-1000 mg daily), and adrenal glands as part of their program day.

Alternative PressOfessional Care
If the symptoms should persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a trained health professional. Nationals of the following therapies have proven to be useful in the treatment and relief of symptoms of vertigo: acupuncture, acupressure, (Alexander Technique bodywork, massage, shiatsu), chiropractic, cranio-sacral therapy, detoxification therapy, environmental medicine, guided imagery, holistic dentistry, hypnotherapy, magnetic therapy, natural hormone replacement therapy, naturopathy, osteopathy, reflexology and Traditional Chinese Medicine

The best of health for both

dances with unicorns said...

The focus of the doc to get injections of iron. After a few of those who will be happy to take supplements and eat because it hurts like hell. Sounds mean, I know, but it's better than you can be your child anemic.

dances with unicorns said...

The focus of the doc to get injections of iron. After a few of those who will be happy to take supplements and eat because it hurts like hell. Sounds mean, I know, but it's better than you can be your child anemic.

tera_duk... said...

How old are you? If the child is still small, to take the formula needle and insert it into the back of the mouth. If so, then try a few additional IHIS in a small amt of formula mix. If it is larger and it peidalyte not eat or popsicles to eat everything. Otherwise, go to the doctor, the end of May you will need a feeding tube,

silverea... said...

I hope you do not need a feeding tube. Maybe you can foods high in iron. Like spinach, liver, etc. .... Talk to your doctor about the iron injections.

Jeffrey P said...

Hmm. The first question is why your child with iron deficiency? The second is, how old is he? If a teenager or older may need some advice? If he is younger, you probably need some education courses, and perhaps family therapy. There is no reason why a child should be able to refuse to take their medication. They are the parents, not their friend, not his brother, his father.

For example, when my oldest daughter (if they take 7) shall daily medication. The drug is not as chewable tablets or liquid. She kicks, screams and groans, but it was important to learn to swallow pills. I sat down with her for 3 hours with the mini M & M, until he can swallow like pills each time. If I had not done that, was a daily struggle for him to take their medication. As already knew: first, they really able to swallow, and was not really difficult. And two, crying, screaming, stomping feet, where they will not receive them from something important.

ahmad z said...

If your child is 10 years or less should show u how strong navy poppies are aware that the consumption of spinach or spinach has iron deficiency compensation

marion r said...

might try to bribe him, that's what I do, perhaps you should look for attempts to iron-rich foods that you may find some things that feed

meljghay... said...

Sneak it in. Every time you drink do that, or learn to eat foods rich in iron, orange juice. Vitamin C helps absorb iron. So, less is more.

meljghay... said...

Sneak it in. Every time you drink do that, or learn to eat foods rich in iron, orange juice. Vitamin C helps absorb iron. So, less is more.

ash said...

Finally agreed to talk to your doctor about it and done it with violence or not is a good news is that anemia is hard to belive, and it sucks

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